AWS certifies a cellular version of NEQTO Bridge, disrupting the IoT marketplace once more!
April 21st 2021, JIG-SAW US INC. (“JIG-SAW US”, San Francisco, California), a strategic IoT company of JIG-SAW INC. (“JIG-SAW,” HQ: Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo Stock Exchange / Code: 3914), is excited to announce that its NEQTO Bridge LTE Cat-M enterprise-level IoT module received AWS DQP certification (Amazon Web Services, Inc.,, Inc. / NASDAQ: AMZN).
This certification follows the widely successful NEQTO Bridge Wi-Fi module. JIG-SAW’s NEQTO Bridge LTE Cat-M is now available on the AWS IoT marketplace and ready to be integrated with your AWS IoT initiatives.
“We are very pleased to add another JIG-SAW offering to the AWS Marketplace, and we look forward to working closely with our AWS business development partners on new and exciting IoT projects. NEQTO’s edge processing and device management capabilities opens new business allowing the industry to grow exponentially. We are happy and proud to be a leader in all things IoT,” said Tomo Oe, CEO of JIG-SAW US.
NEQTO reduces time to ROI by providing the fastest and easiest way to deploy enterprise-level IoT solutions. Fast iterative and remote development is possible thanks to the NEQTO Console. You can develop the business logic in JavaScript using a web browser without any IDE or wired connection to your PC.
With the NEQTO Bridge LTE Cat-M bi-directional control, edge processing, and cellular communication between sensors and your AWS IoT Core account is effortless and straightforward.
JIG-SAW’s NEQTO takes care of everything from machine connectivity and security to device management so you can focus on your business. Without the need for an expensive embedded hardware development team, time-consuming network certification, intricate antenna tuning, complicated cloud development environment, and significant efforts to secure your network communication, your path to deploying your enterprise-level IoT solution is as simple as ABC!
*“AWS” and “Amazon Web Services” are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the US and other countries.
About JIG-SAW US – AWS Advanced Consulting Partner
JIG-SAW US, a global strategic IoT company of JIG-SAW, is a leading developer of LTE-connected IoT technology. JIG-SAW offers NEQTO, an award-winning, wireless, and cellular, end-to-end IoT solution. NEQTO connects sensors and edge devices securely into any cloud of your choice.
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