JIG-SAW INC. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter JIG-SAW) has announced sample shipments for businesses and a product promotion for Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation’s IoT board installed with an on-board smart-sensing processor, SPRESENSE™, equipped with JIG-SAW’s CPU-embedded IoT engine neqto: . The promotion will begin in Japan and the United States on July 1st, 2020.
Currently, JIG-SAW is working to promote the product to businesses in Japan and the U.S. The promotion is aimed at developers and marketing managers who are considering commercial IoT products, with the goal of accelerating feasibility studies, test field launches and commercialization assessment.
Limited shipments of the Engine-enabled boards will be shipped from JIG-SAW’s headquarters in Japan and its U.S. subsidiary. For further information, please contact JIG-SAW from the contact form here.
Sony Developer World: https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/buy-now
About neqto:
*neqto: is a software license for the use of ARM® Cortex®-M4 compatible embedded software developed by JIG-SAW. neqto: enables the remote control of devices and bi-directional communication between devices and any cloud, from anywhere.